Scroll down through our inspiration gallery. Here you can find images from work that we've done in the past, to help you get ideas for how to decorate your space with our artificial plants.
You can always contact us for more information, or visit our showroom in Nicosia to view the items you like. You will find us here.
The story
Hey, I am Stefanos and this is how it all came to be. I come from a household who holds a love for planting. I've enjoyed the serenity of greenery on my day to day life as a child and it is a sense I just can't move away from as an adult. I have started my shop back in 2017, bringing realistic artificial plants in Cyprus. Since then I have taken upon small to large designing projects. I enjoy making the visions of my clients coming to life. SK Optimus, is something that reflects the core of me as a person and my essence as a creative designer. Welcome to my store.